Reapplying to Aga Khan University (AKU)

Zara Widad

|9 mins

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Since the AKU results are out, we’ve gotten numerous messages on whether one should reapply to AKU and if so, what should their primary strategy be.

To answer your questions, we interviewed two third year medical students at AKU who reapplied, to give an overview of how they came to the decision of reapplying and how they strategized their time. We have divided the blog into different aspects about the process and both students have given their two cents on it.

An Introduction of our Interviewees

1. Our first interviewee is Zara Widad, a Karachiite who completed her A Levels from Nixor College. On not clearing the AKU test the first time around, she started her MBBS degree at Dow Medical College, Karachi. She then reapplied in the year 2020 and got into AKU!

2. Our second speaker is Basil Rehman from Gujranwala.

Here's Basil's introduction in his own words:

"A brief introduction about me, I couldn’t get into AKU the first time around so I had to reapply again the subsequent year to get in and I’m not the only one. Almost 25 students from the 2025 batch are reapplicants so those of you that are reapplying, don’t lose hope. You guys still have a great chance to get in. I was simultaneously enrolled in a government medical college in Punjab (Gujranwala Medical College) and I will be sharing my experience with you all. One of the most frequently asked questions is whether or not I should be reapplying to AKU, is it worth it? The answer I think is very subjective and not at all a simple one so I will try to cover the factors that need to be considered so you guys can make an informed decision."

Studying/Academic wise:


Zara: The teaching style at AKU emphasizes more on team-based learning such as PBLs rather than the usual lecture-based method. These help in clarifying concepts and breaking down the large chunks of information into smaller objectives.

Basil: In my opinion, AKU’s curriculum is very well suited to those that wish to choose the USMLE pathway. The first two years focus on all the 7 basic sciences unlike medical colleges in Punjab where usually only Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Physiology are taught in the first years. I have heard UHS is changing to a modular system as well so that might change soon.

Now to explain what the hyped ‘modular system’ is, it is basically studying all the basic sciences subjects in context with a specific system in our body. An example could be the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, etc. This helps with grasping concepts in a better way and being able to relate the different sciences especially relating Pathology, Pharmacology, and Microbiology with Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Physiology and it is easier to make sense of things this way. It is also more interesting for eager first-year medical students to be learning about pathology and pharmacology and developing methodological thinking from the very start. It is further complemented by the PBLs and TBLs which are basically short group discussions that are a great way to actively recall whatever you’ve studied throughout the week and helps you look at things from different perspectives.

If you’re not a person who benefits from lectures and prefers self-study, the lectures here at AKU are not mandatory (only the labs, PBLs, TBLs, and tutorials are). So, if you think there are better resources on the internet, or you’d do a better job at studying the same thing more efficiently from somewhere else at your own pace and time, AKU allows you to do that. The third year is somewhat easier with only ENT/Eye as the Proff rotation and gives you plenty of time throughout the year if you want to start stepping early.

Another thing that I think gives AKU students an edge is having studied most of the content for step 1 in the first two years as compared to other colleges that cover the same syllabus over four years, so you’re better equipped with the knowledge needed to pass the Step 1 exam early. Also AKU does give a slot in the final year for electives abroad so in my opinion the curriculum in AKU is designed in a way that is very well suited to those that are planning to take the Step exams.

Student Life:


Zara: There is a strong emphasis on having a good work life balance therefore, a number of sports tournaments are held throughout the year along with a wide array of events. Just passing by the quad, you’d often see someone playing the guitar and having fun!

Basil: Compared to GMC, AKU definitely has a very different and unique student life. The university sometimes itself hosts events such as beach plans and annual dinners to help everyone stay relaxed and also enjoy medical school to the fullest. But this also depends a lot on the person as there is no compulsion to attend these events, and due to the random mixing in PBLs and clinical groups, one still gets to interact with the entire batch.

Fee Structure:


Basil: The fee structure is something that you should definitely have a look at when reapplying which is available on the website and I’m sure most of you already have an idea about it (it increases every year so keep that in mind as well). The great thing about AKU is that it does provide you with financial aid and according to their website, almost 50% of the students are on financial aid. It is divided into grants and loans and you can read more about it on the website (/ Also, there are 5 scholarships available for students that get in and it’s been shifted from merit-based to need-based for the last two years as far as I know. The fee is obviously way higher than the government medical colleges but even If you compare it with the private medical colleges in Pakistan it is considerably higher even double in some cases so while applying and choosing between options you need to keep this factor in mind as well for practicality.

Opportunities including societies and research:


Basil: AKU has an amazing student body and functioning societies which is something that definitely sets it apart from other colleges. Compared to my previous college where I had to take an initiative to start our own student research society and had to try building things from scratch, in AKU all of the things are already up and running. Different interest groups are present where you can connect with other members and explore more about that field or just use it as a platform to socialize with seniors or alumni and build networks. Talks with the faculty and alumni are a very common occurrence and are perfect for learning about their journeys, any research they’ve been doing, or getting your questions answered. There is an office of career counseling that holds talks exploring different fields you can go on to both clinical and non-clinical.

Since Step 1 has already gone past and Step 2 is expected in 2024, it will all come down to your CV and networking. AKU has opportunities for both. In the second year’s curriculum, a research module takes place where mentorship is provided by a faculty member and it is a great way to initiate your research journey. Apart from this, a lot of research opportunities are shared through interest groups and seniors. Also, different conferences are happening all the time, so you really have all the opportunities to boost your CV and make contacts. It is also a great experience being a part of such societies and hosting different events helps you learn a lot about event management and team skills and is an experience on its own.

Rotations and clinical experience:


Zara: Another important factor for me was the clinical experience. They complete the entire basic sciences studies in the first two years to just focus on hands-on clinical experience in the next three, which in my opinion is vital to put the knowledge acquired into practice. Since the class size is small, therefore a one on one interaction with the consultants further enhances the learning process. AKU has a buddy system where they match you up with seniors who have gone through the same rotation so it further helps in solidifying concepts and learning patient skills.

If one decides to reapply, how should they study for the AKU test again?


Zara: Preparing for the AKU test again sure is not an easy task since it requires a lot more discipline and drive to remain focused, yet achievable since one has a better idea on how to structure their preparation. Therefore, if one does decide to join a med school, their prime focus should be to study their respective curriculum, and then to begin preparing for the AKU entrance test two months prior to the exam, making sure to practice as many questions in order to build good concepts. It’s important not to let your med school studies get affected since the main aim is to become a good doctor irrespective of the institution.

Basil: Honestly, if you have studied for the AKU Test once before, then it should be easier for you to give the exam again. You can choose to go through the content again from the respective board books but I would suggest you all to do maximum questions and give Mocks available online to see which chapters you are weak in so that you can focus solely on those. The AKU test is a lot about time management and being able to perform under pressure and since you all must have given the paper before, this will definitely come to your advantage. Your medical school performance might dip for 2 months, but start studying the medical school content as soon as you’re done with the AKU exam and you will be back up to pace in no time!


Zara: Though reapplying was a risk I took after weighing all my reasons, because it was quite possible not to get in, which could have taken a toll on me, so with keeping that in mind I decided to take this path. Therefore, this decision is very subjective depending on the kind of med school experience one would want to have.

Basil: Cutting down on the generic, your goal should be to become a great doctor instead of getting into AKU and trust me that although there are a lot of great doctors out there that aren’t from AKU, it does provide you with a lot of great opportunities with all its societies and a vast alumni network but only for those that are willing to avail them. So, keep your hopes up and IA you’ll do great wherever you are destined to be.

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Zara Widad

Zara Widad is a passionate and dedicated medical student in her fourth year at Aga Khan University. With a keen interest in both clinical practice and medical research, Zara excels in translating complex medical concepts into engaging and accessible content for a wide audience. When she's not studying, Zara enjoys writing and advocating for public health awareness. Her commitment to medicine and her talent for communication make her a unique voice in the medical community.

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